Saturday 25 February 2012

Lists of Favourite Films

NB: My lists are always changing (due to new films being added / change of opinion) so expect to see inconsistencies between lists

My Favourite / Best Films

The Lives of Others (Best Foreign Film)
The Long Good Friday (Best Gangster Film)
The Artist (Original, Clever & Amusing)
Taxi Driver (Best Scorcese / De Niro Film)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Best Spy Film)
The Crying Game (Original & Unusual)
The Seventh Seal (Shakespearian Quality)
Bicycle Thieves (Best Father & Son Bonding Film)
Apocalypse Now (Best War Film)
Schindler's List (Best Film on the Holocaust)
Psycho (Best Horror Film)
Waltz With Bashir (Best Animation)
Sons of The Desert (Best Comedy)
Memento (Original & Clever Script)
A Moment of Innocent (Amusing)
The Reader (Emotional)
The Passion of The Christ (Best Film about Christ)
Don't Look Now (Excellent Horror)
Some Like It Hot (Great Comedy)
Downfall (Best Film about Hitler)
Chinatown (Best Detective Film)
At Five In The Afternoon (Excellent Film set in Afghanistan)
The Godfather 1 (Top Gangster Film)
The Godfather 2 (Top Gangster Film)
Brief Encounter (British Romantic Classic)
Scarface (Al Pacino's Best Role)
North By Northwest (Hitchcock Classic)
It's Winter (Poetic Persian Film)
The Third Man (British Classic)
We Need To Talk About Kevin (Excellent Performances)
There Will Be Blood (Best Day-Lewis Role)
Black Christmas (Superior Slasher Movie)
The Deer Hunter (Excellent Vietnam War Film)
Sleuth (Great Roles for Olivier / Caine)
Broken Embraces (Excellent Romantic Film)
Midnight Cowboy (Dustin Hoffman's Best Film)
Lawrence of Arabia (Great Leading Actor Role)
The Haunting (Best Haunted House Film)
It's A Wonderful Life (Best Christmas Film)
The Good The Bad & The Ugly (Best Western)
Close Encounters of The Third Kind (Best Escapism Film)
Omen (Superior Horror Film)
All The President's Men (Best Film about Investigative Journalism)
The Secret In Their Eyes (Excellent Ending)
Raging Bull (Best Sports Film)
Silence of The Lambs (Excellent Horror Film)
Eraserhead (Unusual Lynch Horror Film)
Midnight Run (Best Buddy Film)
White Heat (Gangster Classic)
Wolf Creek (Excellent Horror Film)
Rear Window (Hitchcock Classic)
Saw (Excellent Horror Film)
White Noise (Best Film about the Afterlife)
Halloween (Excellent Horror)
Once Upon A Time In America (Under-rated De Niro Film)
Deliverance (Creepy Film)
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (Entertaining Film set in Mental Home)
My Name Is Khan (Excellent Film about Religious Intolerance)
Paranormal Activity 2 (Paranormal Superior Sequel)
The Shining (Best Film based on Steven King Novel)
A Taste of Cherry (Unusual Script with a twist at the end)
Creep (Under-rated British Horror Film)
Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels (Excellent British Crime Film)
The Cook The Thief The Wife Her Lover (Excellent Performance by Gambon)
Hellraiser (Original Horror)
Snatch (Excellent British Crime Film)
Cinema Paradiso (Nice Italian Film about the Love of Cinema)
The Usual Suspects (Thought-provoking Ending)
Close-Up (Favourite Abbas Kiarostami Film)
The Cow (Best Film about an Animal)
Pulp Fiction (Excellent Script)
The Shuttered Room (Excellent British Horror)
The Pianist (Polanski's Best Film)
Shane (Sentimental Western)
Drive (Taxi Driver Meets Shane)
Citizen Kane (Orson Welles Classic)
Saving Private Ryan (Most Realistic War Film)
Rosemary's Baby (Polanski Horror Classic)
Spinal Tap (Very funny Heavy Metal Spoof)
Vertigo (Hitchcock Classic)
Wuthering Heights (Romantic Classic)
Casablanca (Romantic Classic)
The Firm (Best Film about Football Hooliganism)
Rise of The Footsoldier (Top British Crime Film)
King of Comedy (Early De Niro)
Ryan's Daughter (Lean Classic)
The English Patient (Top Romantic Film)
One Hour Photo (Creepy Lead Performance)
Charade (Excellent Suspense)
Niagara (Monroe Classic)
The Devil Rides Again (Excellent Horror)
Nosferatu (Best Vampire Film)
Les Miserables (Charles Laughton at his best)
The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter (Nice Film based on a great novel)
3 Women (Unusual)
Manhunter (Excellent Prequel to Silence of The Lambs)
Saturday Night Sunday Morning
Trading Places (Great Comedy)
Way Out West (Laurel & Hardy Classic Short)
The Music Box (Laurel & Hardy Classic Short)
Borat (Very Funny Comedy)
Annie Hall (Woody Allen Classic)
Manhattan (Woody Allen Classic)
Clerks (Funny Juvenile Humour)
Westworld (Best Film about Robots)
Everybody's Fine (Nice De Niro Family Film)
A Clockwork Orange (Infamous Banned British Film)
Coma (Excellent Thriller)
25th Hour (Excellent Last Day of Freedom Film)
Devdas (Bollywood at its best)

Other Recommended Films

The Kite Runner
Room At The Top
Theatre of Blood
Gangs of New York
Sunset Boulevard
Double Indemnity
Cool Hand Luke
Malcolm X
I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang
Women Without Men
The Chase
Magnum Force
Marathon Man
Kramer v Kramer
Touch Of Evil
Dirty Harry
The Magnificent Seven
The Fly
Singing In The Rain
For A Few Dollars More
A Fistful Of Dollars
Dangerous Liaisons
The Sweeney 1 & 2
Soylent Green
Essex Boys
Get Carter
Broken Embraces
The Skin I Live In

Favourite 12 Foreign Films

1. The Lives of Others
2. The Seventh Seal
3. Bicycle Thieves
4. The Artist
5. Devdas
6. A Moment of Innocence
7. At Five In the Afternoon
8. It's Winter
9. Taste of Cherry
10. Broken Embraces
11.A Separation
13.The Secret in Their Eyes
14.Cinema Paradiso

Favourite Iranian (Persian) Films

Modern Iranian films are almost all made on very low budgets. This does not detract from their quality, in fact, the quality of the scripts and direction of the new wave of Iranian film-making stand out as some of the finest films in contemporary cinema. The films often have a message or a poetic style to them and are therefore more thought-provoking.

1. A Moment of Innocence
- amusing, especially the vanity of the man who wants to play his younger self in the film and the
ending which is particularly amusing.
2. At Five In The Afternoon
- excellent film set in contemporary Afghanistan. In my view, the best film of its type.
3. Close-Up
- a man's obsession with a famous film-maker. Reminds me of the film `King of Comedy' but with
a more serious edge.
4. A Separation
- award winning Iranian film. It is about morality and the search for the truth.
5. Taste of Cherry
- Original script and interesting ending.
6. It's Winter
- Nicely made. A poetic film which using poetry from a Persian poem called `Winter'.
7. Women Without Men
- Nicely made with historical account of Iran in the 1950s.
8. Offside
- Amusing film about young Iranian woman's love of football.
9. The Cow
- Older Iranian film about a man's love for his cow. Original and amusing.
10. The Wind Will Carry Us
- Thought-provoking. Nicely shot.

20 Favourite Horror / Scary Films

Don't Look Now
The Omen
White Noise
Wolf Creek
Black Christmas
Paranormal Activity 2
The Silence of the Lambs
The Haunting
Rosemary's Baby
We Need To Talk About Kevin
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Black Swan
The Shuttered Room
The Cook The Thief The Wife Her Lover

10 Favourite Romantic Films

The English Patient
The Reader
Brief Encounter
Betty Blue
The Crying Game
Broken Embraces
Wuthering Heights
Ryan's Daughter

10 Favourite Crime / Gangster / Violent Films

1.  The Long Good Friday
2.  The Godfather 1
3.  The Godfather 2
4.  Scarface (Al Pacino)
5.  The Cook The Thief The Wife Her Lover
6.  White Heat
7.  Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels
8.  Rise of the Footsolder
9.  The Firm (2009)
10. Snatch

10 Best War / Holocaust Films

1. Apocalypse Now
2. Schindler's List
3. The Deer Hunter
4. Lawrence of Arabia
5. Downfall
6. Saving Private Ryan
7. Bridge Over The River Kwai
8. The Killing Fields
9. The Pianist
10. War Horse

New Films Watched (Released 2011 - Current)

1. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy  (My rating 10/10)
2. The Artist (My rating 10/10)
3. A Separation (My rating 9/10)
4. We Need To Talk About Kevin (My rating 9/10)
5. The Debt (My rating 8/10)
6. War Horse (My rating 8/10)
7. Drive (My rating 8/10)
8. The Skin I Live In (My rating 8/10)
9. Senna (My rating 8/10)

10 Favourite British Films

1. The Long Good Friday
2. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
3. Lawrence of Arabia
4. The Crying Game
5. The Reader
6. The Third Man
7. Brief Encounter
8. We Need To Talk About Kevin
9. Sleuth
10. The English Patient
11. The Haunting
12. The Cook The Thief The Wife Her Lover

Thursday 23 February 2012

Lifestyle Changes (2012)

I like to set myself challenges. This year, I intend to do the following:

1) Find employment.
2) Lose weight.
3) Fast 1 day a week.
4) Join a walking club.
5) Read more books.
6) Contribute more to the local community.
7) Contribute more to charities.
8) Join more organisations.
9) Arise in the morning by 6.00am every day.


British Sign Language
Persian Language

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Norman Foster: How Much Does Your Building Weigh Mr Foster ?

Sky Arts 1: Tuesday 21st February 2012 : Norman Foster: How Much Does Your Building Weigh Mr Foster ?

American Air Museum - Duxford, UK, 1997

Millau Viaduct - France, 2004

Swiss Re Headquarters - London, UK, 2004

* Influenced by american architecture. Foster has one tower (albeit relatively small) in New York.

Hearst Tower - New York, USA, 2007

Small but has a presence. "The Mozart of Modernism".  Grid of triangulation - inherently stronger using 20% less steel and 80% of steel used, recycled steel. Sustainable. New geometry not used before in New York skyscrapers, corners look as though they dissolve into thin air.

* From Manchester
* Studied & worked in USA
* Norman Foster moved back to UK
* Partnership with Richard Rogers

Reliance Control Factory - just out Swindon, UK
Won F.T. Award (Team 4 with Richard Rogers). First High-Tech Building.

* Foster Associates
* Industrial Architecture

Olsen Building - first building Foster did on his own. Influencial.

Willis Faber & Dumas - Ipswich, UK, 1975
Radical approach. "Giant black glass piano". Swimming Pool. Plants. Atrium. White ceiling looked green - sucked in the colour.

* Buckminster Fuller - Visionary architect.
Fuller's big idea was to do more with less. Make strongest structures with the least amount of resources.

Asked Norman the question: How much does your building weigh ?
The building - Sainsbury's Centre - weighed 5328 tonnes - most lost in the invisible concrete sub-structure (least attractive part of the building). Made Norman think in a different way.

Norman Foster talking in 1980:

"A 3ft brick wall, it weighs about a half a tonne......a concrete cavity wall (9inches) an aggressive material ....attracts graffiti......or 3 brick walls with cavities or a sandwich panel nice and light, weighs a few ounces and lets the light through ...all materials have one thing in common, the same performance".

Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts - Norwich, UK, 1978

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank - Hong Kong,_Hong_Kong

McLaren Technology Centre - UK, 2004

City Hall - London, 2002

Petronas University of Technology - Malaysia, 2004

The Millenium Bridge - London, 2000.

The Sage Gateshead - UK, 2004.

*Now a global company.

Al Faisaliah Tower - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2004

Free University Berlin - 2005

Wembley Stadium - London, 2007

Stansted Airport - UK, 1991

Commerzbank Headquarters - Frankfurt, Germany, 1997

Carre d' Art - France, 1993'Art

Palace of Peace - Kazakhstan, 2006

Bilbao Metro - Spain, 1995

Kawana House - Japan, 1992

Torre de Collserola - Barcelona, Spain, 1992

Dresden Station - Germany, 2006.

Reichstag - Berlin, 1999

Great Court British Museum - London, 2000,_British_Museum

Trafalgar Square Redevelopment - London, 2003

Chek Lap Kok Airport - Hong Kong, 1997

Beijing Airport - 2008

* We have something to learn from the emerging nations.

* For the first time in history, the planet is more urban.

Masdar City - UAE, 2009
Idea: Carbon neutral city for 100,000 inhabitants. Electric cars. City lifted above transport routes.

Iran: Architecture / Culture

Strawberry Hill House

Photographs Taken At Strawberry Hill House in Twickenham

Construction Manager Magazine October 2010: CPD: Part L 2010

* changes could increase costs by 4-8%.
* can comply using traditional materials.
* New requirement (20D): Designer must submit TER (CO2 target emissions rate for the building), DER (designed emissions rate) and a list of specifications. NB: any value engineering specification changes may require resubmission to Building Control.
* National Calculation Method (and software tools) used to comply with 20D.
* L1A - Dwellings: calculated using SAP. 25% improvement required.
  Typical House of 128m2 (pass)
  U-values: floor 0.13 (limit 0.25) ; walls 0.22 (limit 0.30 / party wall 0.20); roof 0.13 (limit 0.20); windows 0.15; door 0.1 (windows/doors limit 2.0)
  Air pressure: 3m3/hour/m2 @ 50 Pa
  Mechanical Ventilation with heat recovery: 1w per litre per second with 85% efficiency
  Enhanced construction details
  100% low-energy lighting
* L2A - Non-dwellings: also based on 25% improvement over 2006 standards. However, limiting u-values for commercial buildings are
   Thermal bridging revisions.
   Guidance on shell and core development revised: need to specify at design stage how requirements will be met. Also as-built 
   calculations.  An Energy Performance Certificate must be provided.
* L1B & L2B: Refurbishment
  Changes to minimum u-values to achieve 25% improvement.
  Regulation 9: more relaxed approach for listed buildings. Potential exemption.
  Change in definition of Renovation: - 50% of the element or 25% of the total envelope. 
* L2 A Limiting U-values
  Roof (0.25); Wall (0.35); Floor (0.25) Windows/Pedestrian doors (2.2)

Recommended Albums

Recommended Books

Comedy Moments

The Office: Keith Am I Keith ?

The Office: Keith talking to Dawn and eating another Scotch egg.

The Fast Show: Competitive Dad I bought my son a tennis rackets last christmas !

The Fast Show: Ted & Ralph - Ted becoming increasingly uncomfortable.

Hancock's Half Hour: You handsome devil

Mr Chatterbox Am I Mr Chatterbox ?

Grand Designs

Episodes on YouTube,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=685&wrapid=tlif132980510580910&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=w1&gl=GB

Monday 20 February 2012

Why I am a member of the Labour Party & support "New Labour"

I have always supported and voted for the Labour Party. A few years ago, I joined the Labour Party as a Member. Furthermore, I have always supported the leadership of the Party and the reforms first started by Neil Kinnock which lead to "New Labour" and the election of a Labour Party government. In my view, Tony Blair was the best British Prime Minister since Winston Churchill (he was of course re-elected after Clement Attlee). Clement Attlee's Labour government was arguably the Labour Party's best period of administration.  Tony Blair & New Labour.

Anybody who lived through the 1980's either loved or hated Thatcher's Conservative government. I do, however, have to differ with Tony Blair's admiration of Thatcher.

She was a divisive Prime Minister and forgot that she was elected to represent the whole nation and all of its people (whether they supported her or not). Recent disclosures claimed that her government wanted to let Liverpool go into decline and rot; Liverpool being one of our major cities. An absolute disgrace. Thatcher's government had an appalling record of industrial relations and seriously damaged our country's primary and manufacturing industries; this included a long battle with our miners and mining industry. Yes, people will argue that due to the `Green Movement' the mining industry would eventually become obsolete but (i) there are sensible and constructive ways of managing this process and (ii) the alternative `green coal' option may become a viable alternative as other energy resources are becoming scarce and expensive. Moreover, existing miners could have been allowed to continue working until retirement without new miners being employed in the industry. The miners had my moral support at the time.

Governments must take full responsibilty for the running of the country including the state of the economy from day one of office until the day they leave office and the buck should not be passed to the previous administration. The Conservatives always blame the previous Labour government and always abdicate responsibility.

Thatcher's government did not run the economy as well as they claim. Conservatives forget record unemployment, Black Wednesday and high interest rates. Unemployment, interest rates and inflation came down under Blair's Labour government. The Labour Party proved that it had the capability to manage the economy in a competent manner. What about Brown's Labour government ? Yes, the Labour Party should take responsibilty for the recession (although it was the Banking system that caused the mess) because it happened under their watch. As a consequence, we lost the last election. It should be noted, though, that things would have been the same if not worse under a Conservative government; after all, they believe in deregulation and not more regulation and they also claim not to believe in state intervention. The banking system would have collapsed without state intervention. The current Cameron Conservative government took responsibility for the running of the country and the economy when it formed the coalition government. Since then, it has failed to take the right decisions and come up with the correct answers to stimulate growth and get us out of recession. The Conservative government under Thatcher and Major won 4 consecutive general elections not because of their popularity but because of the weakness of the Labour Party during that period, which was for the most part unelectable.

The Labour Party created the NHS and it is only safe in our hands. The Conservatives will privatise the NHS by stealth. We must not allow it to happen. It is the NHS which makes Labour Party supporters different from the rest. : What a wonderful woman "I won't let you go".

Blair's New Labour best reflected the aspirations of our nation and was extremely popular winning three consecutive elections. New Labour introduced the minimum wage, winter payments for the elderly and reduced income taxes for all sections of the community. New Labour also brought peace in Ireland with the Good Friday Agreement. Blair also intervened in the former Yugoslavia preventing further atrocities and help bring an eventual end to the conflict. Blair also took the right decision by going to war against an evil tyrant Saddam Hussein who was eventually brought to justice. Blair's Labour government also decentralised democracy at a more local level in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. The Labour government under Blair and Brown was a more competent and fairer administration than any government since the days of Clement Attlee. It also invested more money in education and the NHS than any other government. Blair's Labour government, in my opinion, was an unqualified success and the sooner the Party re-engages with the New Labour agenda, the better. Victory at the next general election depends on this, otherwise, we will lose. Blair was wrong about Saddam having weapons of mass destruction but was right to bring him to justice for causing over a million deaths in the wars he started against Iran and Kuwait and other crimes against humanity. The End justified the Means. Let's get things straight, Saddam was the war criminal not Tony Blair. Which side were you on, Blair or Saddam ? If you opposed the war, you supported Saddam Hussein, it is as simple as that !

Sunday 19 February 2012

Selected Music Videos (Links to Youtube)

It Must Be Love (Madness)

Glory Box (Portishead)

Sour Times (Portishead)

You Really Got Me (The Kinks)

Hallelujah (Jeff Buckley)

I Hope You're Happy Now (Elvis Costello)

Constant Craving (K.D. Lang)

A Girl Like You (Edwyn Collins)

For No One (Paul Mccartney)

Back To Black (Amy Winehouse)

Tenement Funster (Roger Taylor - Queen)

The Killing Moon (Echo & The Bunnymen)

Snowed In At Wheeler Street (Kate Bush & Elton John)

My List of the Best Acts in Contemporary Music

Most Important Country: UK
Best Pop Group: The Beatles
Best Rock Band: Led Zeppelin
Best Live Band: Queen
Best Front man: Freddie Mercury
Best Songwriter: Bob Dylan
Best Female Songwriter: Kate Bush
Best Male Solo Artist: Elvis Costello
Best Female Solo Artist: Kate Bush
Best Guitarist: Jimmy Page
Best Male Singer: Elvis Presley
Best Female Singer: Dusty Springfield
Best Dancer: Aishwarya Rai
Most Important Artist in Contemporary Music: Chuck Berry
Best Album: Revolver - The Beatles
Favourite Album: Swoon - Prefab Sprout
Second Favourite Album: Blood & Chocolate (Elvis Costello)
Best Single: Bohemian Rhapsody (Quuen)
Second Best Single: You Really Got Me - The Kinks
Best Lyric: Like A Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan
Best Song Intro: Gimme Shelter - The Rolling Stones
Best Guitar Riff: Black Dog - Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin)
Best Lennon / McCartney Song: Eleanor Rigby
Best Live Album: Queen Live Killers - Queen
Best Jazz Artist: Miles Davis
Best Producer: Brian Wilson
Best Musical: Devdas
Best Album Cover: Swoon - Prefab Sprout
Best Album (1950s): The Sun Sessions (Elvis Presley)
Best Album (1960s): Revolver (The Beatles)
Best Album (1970s): Physical Graffiti (Led Zeppelin)
Best Album (1980s): Swoon (Prefab Sprout)
Best Album (1990s): Dummy (Portishead)
Best Album (2000s): 22 Dreams (Paul Weller)
Best Album (2010s): 50 Words For Snow (Kate Bush)
Best Song (1950s): No Particular Place To Go (Chuck Berry)
Best Song (1960s): You Really Got Me (The Kinks)
Best Song (1970s): Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen)
Best Song (1980s): It Must Be Love (Madness)
Best Song (1990s): Glory Box (Portishead)
Best Song (2000s): Hallelujah (Jeff Buckley)
Best Song (2010s): Snowed In At Wheeler Street (Kate Bush & Elton John)

Music Videos (Led Zeppelin)

Music Video links to Youtube (Play the videos & ignore any juvenile comments)

Led Zeppelin

Jimmy Page & the Black Crowes (playing Led Zeppelin songs)

Jimmy Page (discussing Kashmir)

Jimmy Page & Robert Plant (Kashmir)

Portfolio of Some Building Projects as PQS

Saturday 18 February 2012

Musical Journey

Musical Journey

by Simon Zohhadi on Sunday, 28 August 2011 at 22:44 ·
My musical journey:
* Began with Elvis Presley who was my favourite in the 1970s.
* First single bought - Another Brick In The Wall - Pink Floyd.
* After Elvis, during the latter part of my school days, Queen became my favourite band followed by Heavy Metal Bands including Led Zeppelin, AC/ DC, Whitesnake, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Gillan, Rush etc.
* During the 1980's got into The Beatles, Elvis Costello, Echo & The Bunnymen, Tears For Fears, Kate Bush, Simple Minds, U2, Prefab Sprout, The Jam, David Bowie, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan amongst others.
* Manic Street Preachers were my favourite band out of the 1990's.
* New Millenium - The Editors, Paul Weller, Amy Winehouse, Persian Music. Early Jazz ( Miles Davis & John Coltrane).
* 2010s - Persian & Indian Music.

Grand Designs: Dilapidated Cottage

on Wednesday, 14 September 2011 at 23:36 ·
Existing Building & Land - Original Cost £431,000 of Existing House & Land. Asked for offers over £350,000. Stefan offered £450k which was accepted.
Work to be done: New Traditional Stone Building with a Modern Link Building made out of Steel, Zinc & Glass and a restored Cottage. Stefan's budget for the works - £200k to £250k. Contract for Builders would take approximately 18 months but Stefan is going to do most work himself.
Commencement on site: November 2006.
Completion Date: 5 years later the building remains uncomplete (finishes appear to be still outstanding); Stefan suggested it would take another year or 2.
Final Cost of Works: Stefan not saying but in the region of £600k.
Problems: Ground Water Level. Basement built on a flood plain. Basement tankproofed with a membrane of 2 layered fabric with clay granules sandwiched betwee the layers. Banks stabilised with soil filled bags (cheap option).
Programme Milestones:
July 2007 Steel framework for link building commences. 18 Stonnes of steel. Steelframe costs £25k more than Stefan expected ! Erection of steel frame = 2 days.
April 2008 Completion of Roofing.
Building not weathertight. Glazing not yet installed.
November 2008 Glazing / Glass Panels finally arrive. However, erection on site only 1 month after original order with sub-contractor. NB: I no Glazed panelling to one end/elevation of the building = £20k approx
May 2009: Financial problems. Borrows more money.
Carrying out some work himself and using tradesmen as required.
"Most over-engineered house presenter has seen".
My View: If cost and time are not significant factors then the end product is a fine effort by Stefan. But for most people, time and money are important. Stefan's wife said they would not do it again in the same way !

Ahmadinejad's Speech at the UN

Ahmadinejad's Speech at the UN

by Simon Zohhadi on Thursday, 22 September 2011 at 19:49 ·
A disappointing speech by Ahmadinejad which will allow his detractors to portray him as an extremist and unbalanced. Questioning the holocaust serves no useful purpose as the world has long since accepted that the holocaust was very real and cannot be denied in any way by a rational mind. The holocaust happened, end of debate. For this reason, nobody will listen to his views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is a shame because the Palestinians are worthy of support. Furthermore, the 9/11 day of terrorism was not a "mystery", it happened exactly as reported at the time and we could all see with our own eyes what happened. These serious lapses in judgement will mean that other more reasonable parts of his speech will not be listened to. He rightly criticised the USA for getting involved in too many wars. It is time for Ahmadinejad to abandon his views on the holocaust and silly conspiracy theories otherwise he will be further marginalised by the international community and only increase dissent inside Iran. Iran requires strong and intelligent leadership; Ahmadinejad needs to reflect on the way he is currently governing the country.

Authenticity of the Bible (Taken from 'The Bridge')

Authenticity of the Bible (Taken from 'The Bridge')

by Simon Zohhadi on Thursday, 22 December 2011 at 11:31 ·
According to Richard Dawkins the Bible is 'a chaotically cobbled together anthology of disjointed documents, composed, revised, translated, distorted and 'improved' by hundreds of anonymous authors'.

One way to assess the likely reliability of the Biblical manuscripts is to compare them to other accepted historical documents. Take, for example, our modern copies of Plato's writings. These are reckoned to be authentic but are based on seven ancient manuscripts, written 1200 years after Plato. On the other hand, our modern copies of the Bible are based on many thousands of documents, some written as early as 80 years after the events that they describe.

In the light of this kind of evidence Sir Frederick Kenyon, former director of the British Museum, stated that 'both the authenticity and the general integrity of the New Testament may be regarded as finally established.'

Iran (Persia): History, Art, Architecture & Culture

These are interesting links to videos on Youtube. Ignore the comments and just watch the videos.





I am a Roman Catholic and proud to be so. However, I am a big admirer of Imam Khomeini, a great religious leader who believed in his religion and had a vision for Iran and Islam. There can be no doubt that the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979 re-focused the world on his religion (Islam); for that he can only be admired. If I had been born in Iran (instead of England), I almost certainly would have been a muslim and would have been proud to be one. Both Catholicism & Islam have clear differences but also much in common and I hope the Catholic World & Islamic World co-operate with each other and promote our shared belief in God and religion in our increasingly modern secular world.






Friday 17 February 2012

TV Programme: Frank Lloyd Wright

TV Programme: Frank Lloyd Wright
by Simon Zohhadi on Thursday, 18 August 2011 at 23:52 ·
Part 2:

Interesting programme about the American Architect - Frank Lloyd Wright.

Wright took the view that his apprentices would learn by doing.

To the outside world, Wright at 62 was finished. Spotlight was now on Europe and the radical architectural styles of Les Corbusier, Walter Gropius and Mies van dee Rohe. They were influenced by Wright's style but had moved on to provide architecture for the masses and modern world. Stone and wood were perceived as old fashioned materials. More glass and metal and the use of machines. Wright did not believe in this new world and still believed in craftsmanship and buildings made by hand. He said modern buildings were mechanical, artificial and soulless. For Wright, architecture and buildings was a spiritual thing that affect people in a deep way.

However, he took up the challenge and in 1934 he designed a house amongst rocks and a waterfall - called Falling Water. One of his most famous designs. He reputedly drew the designs in 3 hours. A beautiful building at one with nature - anchored in the rock and above the waterfall - the building suspended in air. Integrates European architecture with his own. Incorporated flat roofs in the house, which he hated.

The Johnson Wax Building was another of his notable buildings: Wright and his team presented his design drawings after 10 days - a Temple of Work. Interesting features - slender hollow reinforced columns bearing the weight of the ceiling (lilly like pad shapes) holding up the ceiling and Pyrex glass tubing for the skylights. Building inspectors doubted the columns could provide the structural support. Wright
proved they could.

At 70 he was back on top. His most productive period came after he reached 80. Next 15 years his team completed 350 designs (not all built).Including -

* Greek Orthodox Church in Wisconsin.
* Meeting House in Madison (shaped like a prayer).
* Gas Station in Minnesota.
* Twin Suspension Bridges in Pittsburg.
* Electric Plant with glowing lights.
* Synagogue in Philadelphia.
* Future Civic Centre
* Skyscraper in Chicago.

* Guggenheim Museum in New York City for Art display. Most difficult commission of his career. Building completed after many obstacles were overcome. Work began in 1956. Interior was to be one continuous spiralling ramp. In 1959 building almost complete. On April 9th 1959, he died.

He believed in the notion of providing fellow human beings with the best possible shelter at the lowest possible cost as well as great monuments.

The Planners Are Coming: Planning Permission: Notes.

The Planners Are Coming: Planning Permission: Notes.
by Simon Zohhadi on Monday, 16 May 2011 at 17:10 ·
Around 3/4 million planning applications are made each year.
1. (a) PP not normaly needed for a shed but this one has a bathroom in it. Planning enforcement officer's role to deal with buildings without PP. Prevent substandard & unsafe buildings & slums of Victorian London coming back again. New domestic building in garden (in Brent)used as a dwelling but owner claims it is a shed (toilet & shower removed). Council has right to demolish building if they don't do it themselves & charge them for the cost. Building in v.poor structural condition (safety hazard). Bill £5,000 pound for demolition. Police in attendance.
(b) Unlawful conversion of house into flats. Must have PP. No application for planning nor building regulations application. Developer could end up in a magistrates court & issued with a fine of upto £5,000 & issued with an enforcement notice reconverting the flats with a potential costs of £10s of thousands. (c) Extension application. Rule: 45 degree line for light. Councillors (not planning professionals) will make the final decision. Application: Refused - Development too big.
Appeal: Overturned the decision (7 months later).
(d) Conversion of outbuilding into house. Permission & approval for use. It was approved as a dry goods store, not somewhere to live. Using unsuitable buildings for living puts peoples' lives at risk. Environmental Officer also in attendance - issued a Prohibition Notice preventing anybody sleeping (living) in the building.
2. Garden-grabbing. (a) Junk removed from front garden after repeated warnings and fine. Council forced to remove junk themselves (Bill £1500). To be kept in store for 3 days and destroyed if owner does not find alternative storage.
(b) Tree Preservation Order. Climate change & buildings built on shallow foundations have led to an increase in applications for cutting down trees. Tree Officer. 2 mature Oak trees ( a mile apart)blamed for causing cracks in an conservatory and the other for damaging an extension. Insurers applied to cut them down but owners of the buildings want them to stay. Both currently protected by tree preservation order. Tree Officer has to decide. If answer is No:
Privately owned trees but Council could pick up bill of £6,000 for removal or £25,000 if retained. To save trees, owners must disprove findings in the report. Age of tree ?OCA Report: 76-100 years old. Most oaks grow 2.5 cm (diameter)every year. Other oak: over 100 years. Argument that conservatory not built properly. Council Decision: 1st Oak saved. 2nd Oak: Previous HC decision re: tree protection. If underpinning building can be carried out then tree must remain even if cheapest option is the removal of the tree. Both applications to fell the trees rejected. Insurance Co. appealing both decisions.
3. How not to build. (a) 1 end of terrace house in Barnet has planning permission to extend house and conversion into 4 flats. Building Control application not submitted though ! Causing damage to neighbouring house whose foundations have been exposed. Building Inspector & Planning Officer in attendance with Developer. Nor is building in accordance with planning. Building Control application now submitted & court action avoided. Building work being monitored. GL reduced to below the drain. Concrete block below steel beam not fitted properly. Additional storey not in original plans.
Danger structure notice issued. Scaffolding removed by Council (Bill £8,000). Also putting on a flat roof at rear which developer does not have permission for. 2 days later scaffolding back up but it is a Saturday & not allowed to work past 1.00pm. Roof changed to meet original planning application. 50 visits. Developer appealing against 1 Enforcement Notice. Practical Completion Certificate not issued.
(b) Planning also responsible for Landuse. Instruction for land not to be used for parking otherwise Enforcement Notice to be issued with potential for a fine. Planning permission not requested.
(c) 4 flats to be built above showroom. Opposition: Sunlight restrictions & obstrusive overlooking. Council Planning Meeting: Application rejected. Appeal: Decision overturned & development granted.
4. Planned replacement of 3 houses with retirement flats refused.
5. Extension Nightmares: New "hay store" built on greenbelt land. Roof & upper storey removed, permission given for one storey. Extension on another property: depth 4.145 whereas council policy on a boundary depth limit is 3.65m; therefore, extension depth contrary to council policy. Additional depth opressive & unfairly impacts on light to neighbouring property.

Alternative Vote ?

Alternative Vote ? Vote No

by Simon Zohhadi on Monday, 2 May 2011 at 14:06 ·
The current electoral system in the UK works well and is arguably the best democracy in the world. Therefore, there is no need to change the way we vote ! An alternative voting system could mean second choice candidates becoming MPs ; is this democracy ? No, is the answer. First past the post means the candidate with most first choice votes wins. The truth is that most voters only want to vote for one candidate (and some don't even want to vote for one candidate !) so a second vote is a wasted vote. An alternative voting system will also mean more spoilt ballots. Counting and announcing the election results will also take longer on election night !

Maintain the best democratic system in the world and vote No to alternative voting.
As a postscript, I would like to see the voting age reduced from 18 years old to 16. This makes sense and would widen our democracy.

Pricing The Priceless National Geographical Channel: The Great Pyramid

Pricing The Priceless

by Simon Zohhadi on Wednesday, 10 August 2011 at 01:30 ·
National Geographical Channel: The Great Pyramid

Height: 146 Metres
Build: 23 Years
Legend: 100,000 Slaves were used.

White Limestone (External) - 2.3 million blocks of limestone. Weight = 5.75 million US tonnes (1 US tonne = 0.91 Metric tonne).
Granite Blocks with no mortar (Internal Chambers). Weight = 8,000 US tonnes.

Scrap Value (Programme modern day estimate): Local sale value for 1 block of pyramid limestone = $150.

Antiquities dealer in USA: Scrap value -
100 blocks = $1000 per block.
1000 = $ a few hundred per block.
1 m = $ nominal cost of limestone rock.
Scrap Value of 5.75 million US tonnes at US Quarry = $20 per tonne + 8000 US tonnes of granite at $20 per tonne = $115,160,000.

Cost of Building Great Pyramid today:
Workforce = 10,000 skilled tradesman
Techniques = Ancient building methods
Period = 23 Years
Materials = As above
Total Build Cost = $7,741,000,000.

Cost using modern techniques:
Steel frame with lightweight corrugated steel shell = $23 million
58 m high (Great Pyramid 146 m)
105 m length (1/2 length of GP)
Period: 18 Months
Same size as Great Pyramid =
Cost = $116,000,000.
However, quality & longevity of materials much inferior. Steel pyramid would not last long in desert. Materials would last no more than 15 years in the Egyptian desert instead of 4500 years.

Investment Value
Revenue per annum =
Tourism Tickets $32.2 million per annum
Souvenir Sales $49 million per annum
World Heritage Donations $17.5 million per annum.
Costs to run = $6 million per year.

Approximate return = $94 million per annum
US Government AAA Bonds = $2.35 billion
Add 4% to generate $94 million return per annum. Make money back in 25 years and still own the period. Very nice.

Danger: Diggers at Work

Danger: Diggers at Work

by Simon Zohhadi on Monday, 15 August 2011 at 15:07 ·
*Demolition of 4 houses - All in a days work (1 day). Demolition held up because of slow worms (endangered species).
Delay: could take weeks before all reptiles are collected and removed. In this case, given the green light to proceed.

*General Demolition Resource Park in Surrey - turn waste into hardcore. 85% of waste recycled.

Excavator buckets can remove 2 tonnes of rubble in one scoop. 'The Crusher' - crush 40 tonnes per hour. £190k cost. It can separate valuable metal scrap from bricks and concrete. 1 tonne worth of scrap metal could be worth a £1000 worth.

Pricing The Priceless: The Eiffel Tower

Pricing The Priceless: The Eiffel Tower

by Simon Zohhadi on Wednesday, 17 August 2011 at 00:26 ·
Scrap Value: Wrought Iron shredded to recycled raw metal.
Tonnage: 8000 tonnes (7300 metric tonnes) at $340 per metric tonne = $2.5 million.
Land Eiffel Tower sits on: 125m by 125m
15.5k m2 x $20k per m2 = $302,580,000.

Scrap Value= $305,080,000.

Cost of Rebuilding Eiffel Tower from beginning:
Eiffel Tower is a combination of trusses = lattices.
Original cost = 8 million Franks (currently $35 million).
Cost of modern rebuild:
Las Vegas Eiffel Tower is similar to original but half the size and made of steel (not wrought iron) and is stronger and more rust resistant but it was more expensive at the time. Today, it is mass produced and cheaper. Also would now weld instead of using rivits.
Originally, it took 2000 men 26 months to build the Eiffel tower.
Cost of Las Vegas Tower today = estimate $60 million
Estimated cost of Eiffel Tower today = 8 (2x2x2) x $60m = $480m.

How much would it cost to buy the Eiffel Tower and operate as a business?
Ticket Revenue = Euros 56 million ($71m) per year.
Restaurant Rental & Souveneir Shops Rental & % etc = $13 million per year

Maintenance =
Greasing elevator pistons with cow fat
Renovation = $70m
Painting (every 7 Yrs) = 60 tonnes of paint = $5.3 million
Electricity = 20,000 Light bulbs = $400,000 per year.

Approximate profit = $29 million
Value = $300 million at current ticket prices.

Could raise ticket prices and advertise using the tower. This would increase the value of the business.

The End of Tyranny

The End of Tyranny

by Simon Zohhadi on Tuesday, 23 August 2011 at 20:05 ·
Good to see another tyrant, Gaddafi, receiving the justice he deserves. Saddam Hussein was one of the most evil men in history and justice was served.Gaddafi was not as evil as Saddam but from a British perspective his support of the IRA, the killing of WPC Fletcher and involvement in the Lockerbie bombing, in itself, justified his overthrow and eventual punishment. Gaddafi is probably more mad than evil, however, his decision to turn his armed forces against his own people was the beginning of the end. NATO rightly intervened to protect innocent Libyan people from being slaughtered. The Libyans themselves showed great courage in bringing to an end this deluded nutcase. Congratulations to the Libyan people.
Recent actions taken by NATO & British armed forces in Iraq and Libya were both justified and successful.
Yes, innocent people have been killed and these deaths are a sad consequence of conflict but the end justified the means. As far as Iraq is concerned, remember the Iraqi people supported Saddam when he declared war against Iran, a war which lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths; even when Iraq used chemical weapons, Saddam had the support of his people. When he ordered the invasion of Kuwait, again, there was little resistance from his own people. So yes, it is sad that innocent Iraqis lost their lives when allied forces bombed Iraq and brought down Saddam but they brought it upon themselves. The public here in Britain have got it wrong about the war against Iraq because in my view it was a success.
Saddam, Bin Laden & Gaddafi were not good people and they received the justice they deserved.
This does not mean that Bush and the USA are the good guys because they are not. The USA have invaded, bombed and killed too many people to be viewed in this way and have too often been gung-ho and bloodthirsty in their approach to war. The USA of course once supported Saddam and turned a blind eye to his country's use of chemical weapons. They also blew up an Iranian civilian airplane killing hundreds of innocent people (it was not a mistake). Not forgetting their coup which lead to the overthrow of a DEMOCRATIC Iranian President and Government in the 1950's. The USA also lectures against torture and human rights abuses but used it themselves in Iraq and Guantanamo; they also trained the Shah's secret police in torturing techniques. Their excessive political meddling and inconsistency in practicing the core values that they preach means that in future Britain and the European Community should take the lead role in promoting the ideals of democracy and freedom of speech. The USA also lacks neutrality in the Israeli-Palestinian-Arab conflict.

Pricing The Priceless: Grand Central Station

Pricing The Priceless: Grand Central Station

by Simon Zohhadi on Tuesday, 23 August 2011 at 23:30 ·
Estimated Build Cost:
Excavation Foundations =$3.149 million
Steel Frame (29,000 US tonnes)= $56 million
Plumbing, Electrics, Finishes etc = $360 M
Total Build Cost = $419.1 million

Scrap Value:
Value of Land = $600 million approx.
Limestone = 5,000 US tonnes
Scrap Value = $20 per tonne
Steel = 29,000 US tonnes
Scrap Value of Steel = $320 per tonne
Scrap Value of Shell = $9 million for the Shell of the Terminal
Most valuable "treasures" of building (incl famous clock, Chandeliers, Train etc)

Total = $617 million

Business Value of Grand Central Station:

Revenue =
Shopping Mall + $27 million per annum

Cost =
Electricity - $5.5 million per annum
Cleaning & Maintenance - $12 per annum

Estimated Profit (taking other things into account) = $15 million per annum

Purchase Price = Willing to spend 10x as much i.e. $150 million for these profits.

* Has capacity to make more money.

Favourite Quotes

Favourite quotations

"Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things." Winston Churchill

"I reject the notion that Scargill is leading some crusade against Thatcherite Toryism. Beneath the rhetoric Scargillism and Thatcherism are political allies. I would put it this way: the political spectrum is not linear but circular. In my experience the extreme left always ends up rubbing shoulders with the extreme right. They are philosophically blood brothers." Jimmy Reid.
Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell

"The difference between me and Abolqader was that I spoke to my wife with refinement and he spoke to her coarsely and violently, I took a shower once a day and he took one once a month, I didn't even eat spring onions and he ate onions and garlic and radishes by the kilo, I read her poetry by Sa'di and he belched at her...and so in my wife's eyes I was stupid and he was clever, I was an idiot and he was intelligent. I was coarse and he was refined...But apparently he was a very good traveller.." Asadollah Mirza (from My Uncle Napoleon).

We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians. Nelson Mandela.

We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender. Winston Churchill

We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken.
Fyodor Dostoevsky

An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind. Mahatma Gandhi

Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few." Winston Churchill

An Adult faith does not follow the waves of fashion and the latest novelties. Pope Benedict XVI

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Martin Luther King, Jr

I detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from a black man or a white man. Nelson Mandela

A week is a long time in politics. Harold Wilson

I warn you not to be ordinary, I warn you not to be young, I warn you not to fall ill, and I warn you not to grow old.
Neil Kinnock

A boy's best friend is his mother - Norman Bates

I can resist everything except temptation. Oscar Wilde

Made it, Ma! Top of the world! - Cody Jarrett

I'm a father; that's what matters most. Nothing matters more.
Gordon Brown

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
George Orwell

Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.
George Orwell

And how can the dead be truly dead when they still live in the souls of those who are left behind ?
(from The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter)

There are four stages in a marriage. First there's the affair, then the marriage, then children and finally the fourth stage, without which you cannot know a woman, the divorce.
Norman Mailer


Favourite 10 Bob Dylan Songs

Favourite 10 Bob Dylan Songs

by Simon Zohhadi on Wednesday, 4 August 2010 at 06:06 ·
1. Positively 4th Street
2. It Ain't Me Babe
3. Lay Lady Lay
4. Like A Rolling Stone
5. Baby Stop Crying
6. Just Like A Woman
7. It's All Over Now Baby Blue
8. Stuck Inside The Mobile........
9. Things Have Changed
10. Hurricane

CPD: The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque - National Geographical Channel - 1 hour.

CPD: The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque - National Geographical Channel - 1 hour.

by Simon Zohhadi on Saturday, 4 September 2010 at 02:51 ·
Location: Abu Dhabi (Persian Gulf)Construction Period: 12 Years
Extreme working conditions: Very hot. Dehydration. Constant supply of water required. 48 degrees centigrade. Very Humid. High wind conditionsConstruction Problems: Affects concrete curing conditions and strength of concrete. Salt in the air combines with moisture leading to chlorides which attack the reinforcement within concrete. Corrosion Inhibiter used to protect steel reinforcement in piles. Earthquake engineering.
Cultural issues: Many are muslims and need to pray 5 times a day. This needs to be allowed for in programming.
Labour: 2500 workers labour on site at peak.
Materials, Finishes & Components: Largest Chandelier, Largest Persian Carpet, Whitest Marble (120,000 m2) (Marble -key feature of Islamic buildings - for beauty, strength & resistance to fire & erosion), Gypsum plaster mouldings, Re-inforced Concrete Shell, 6000 Piles used for Foundation. Biggest Dome in the world (70m high) made of steel reinforced concrete segments filled with concrete. Dome is self supporting. On 9.5 m hill. Column, arch, dome are the trinity of Islamic architecture. 4 107m Minarets, 82 domes, 96 columns in main prayer hall, 1096 columns supporting the archades. Persian carpet (5700m2/47 tonnes) made by 1200 women in Iran. Completed by Iranians on site. Two years to make. Air conditioning - cool air from below ground is pushed through massive ducts. Mosque surrounded by 22 towers with lighting effects.Considered to be the third largest mosque in the world. Built to last 1000 years or more.
Philosophy: Quality not speed. Artistic statement on a massive scale. One of the largest projects in the world. Complex international effort. Built to last.

CPD: Grand Designs : 1 Hour (Building Works carried out end of 2009 beginning 2010)

CPD: Grand Designs : 1 Hour (Building Works carried out end of 2009 beginning 2010)

by Simon Zohhadi on Thursday, 16 September 2010 at 01:41 ·

Original Building: 1970's Mock Stone Bungalow in the heart of the forest.
Remove more modern influences. Incorporate traditional materials. Bungalow remodelled. Keep concrete tiled roof (with moss). Remove mock stone external walling. Re-clad with timber. Remove garage. Extensions on either end of Bungalow. Add 2 no extensions: Smaller Extension to have a Studio & Office. Second extension: Generous timber framed wing with 30 foot skylight (£1,500 per panel), big sliding doors and 2 Storey Tower (cladded with agricultural cement board coated with `yoghurt'). Small extension and bungalow cladded with a skin of burnt larch. Slate roof on new buildings. Variation: Change of existing tiles to slate. New slates from China (£4,000).

Estimated Cost: £170k to £180k.
Contract Period: Design 3 Years in planning. Contract Period (Estimated): 7 Months Commencing June 2009 with Completion End of January 2010. Scheme completion delayed. February delayed completion came and went. Completion Date not known.

Temperature below freezing making the application of sealants and the like difficult. Ideally, the work would be postponed but this project cannot afford that delay.