Friday 30 August 2013

Intervention in Syria

Yesterday, British Parliament voted against intervening in Syria. An interesting decision. I have mixed feelings; first of all, I support intervention to protect innocent victims of Assad's brutal dictatorship but on the other hand, this could mean a change in direction of our foreign policy and becoming more independent from the USA. It also means that the likelihood of any conflict between the UK and Iran over Syria or any future conflict between the two countries over Iran's nuclear programme is now highly unlikely. Excellent news for an English-Persian. It also means that Britain will cease automatically joining the USA in foreign conflicts in the future. As far as the Syrians are concerned, the victims and potential victims of Assad's slaughter have my moral support. Even if the UK does not get involved, it looks like the USA will carry out a limited military strike against Assad's forces. Assad's regime will eventually fall. He cannot possibly survive. Distancing ourselves from the USA will do the UK a lot of good.

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