Friday, 17 February 2012

My List of 10 Most Important Nations

My List of 10 Most Important Nations

by Simon Zohhadi on Wednesday, 3 November 2010 at 17:48 ·
My list takes into account the history, the present and the future of nations:

1. Britain - Victorious in the 2 great wars, english language and culture, ideas and inventions, politics and democracy. Status since WW2 has declined but will continue to have an important diplomatic role.
2. USA - Most powerful nation in the world today but becoming the most unpopular. Fought good and bad wars. Will remain powerful because of its military might but inflences in other areas will decline. Relatively short but `impressive' history.
3. China - Ancient civilisation that remains independent but will become the most powerful economic power in the world. Also a strong military power.
4. Iran (Persia) - Ancient civilisation, architecture and craft, influential Islamic country in the middle east. A country rich with natural resources. Becoming more powerful and influential. Needs to avoid a war with the USA.
5. Russia - Size, history, culture and still a powerful military power. Undergoing economic development. Will flex its muscles again sometime in the future.
6. India - The fastest growing population in the world. A country with a great cultural past and future. Fast developing as an economic power and is a superpower of the future providing it can keep its country united.
7. France - Probably the most powerful European country in the world today with a great revolutionary, architectural and cultural past and present. Its strength lies in its independence. The French do not submit to pressure from the USA.
8. Italy - Architecture, catholicism and historical influences. However, a minor player in the world today.
9. Spain - Language, history and culture.
10. Saudi Arabia - Islam, culture, oil and influence.

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