Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Proud to be a Roman Catholic

Miserere Mei Deus

Dies Irae

Salve Regina

Nicene Creed

The Lords Prayer

Hail Mary



Proud to be a Roman Catholic

Christian values have been eroded and mocked by a liberal media.

Today, abortion is not only legal but those who commit abortion (the murder of innocent life) receive full support and sympathy whereas pro-lifers are considered uncaring and cruel by the anti-religious fundamentalists. Extraordinary but true. The fact is no human being has the right to terminate the lives of the innocent unborn. Ask yourself this question (by going back in time): If your parents were considering your abortion and you had the power to stop them from doing so, what choice would you make ? Of course, you would refuse to allow them to abort you. In the same way, you have no right to support the abortion of others. Pro-abortionists also provide insignificant (in terms of numbers of abortions) reasons supporting the termination of innocent human life, including: 1) women who have become pregnant after being raped. How many examples are there that fall into this category?! Yet this is often forms the main plank of their argument. Another reason is that the pregnancy or birth will lead to the death of the mother ! Again, how many abortions fall into this category ? The number is miniscule. Most abortions are for these reasons: i) unplanned pregnancy ii) one or both "parents" decide they just don't want the child iii) for economic reasons or iv) they do not want a baby that belongs to one of the genders (i.e. they want a boy instead of a girl) v) the born child will be handicapped in some way. These are most of the reasons why abortions take place but the pro-abortionists use the `victim of rape' and `possible death of the mother' as the main reasons for their arguments. Extraordinary but true. Let's put this into context: 99% (this is perhaps a slightly exaggerated figure) of abortions are for reasons (i) to (v) above and 1% of abortions are for the 2 reasons given by pro-abortionists and yet the pro-abortionists win the argument ! Yes, I have sympathy for those who have abortions because they are victims of rape or continuation with the pregnancy could lead to the mothers death but these are exceptional circumstances and are weak arguments for allowing and justifying 99% of abortions. This legalised killing must be condemned and criminalised.

Christianity (and other religions) provide a good and strong moral framework for society and its people. Non-christians argue that they also have good moral values (although the above example would suggest otherwise) and religion does not have the monopoly in this area. However, where did these good moral values and our laws originate from ? They originate from the `Ten Commandments'. These were the foundation of all the laws and moral values through the ages.

Equality is of course a human right that all human beings are entitled to and no civilised human being can dispute this point. In life, we all have the right to be treated equally whatever our race, gender, sexuality, religion and any other group that falls within the legislation. It is important to emphasise religion because this area of equality legislation does not appear to be upheld as the rights of other groups. A perfect example is the recent legal case when Christian hotel owners were taken to court by two homosexual men for being excluded from sharing a room in their hotel. Which group was discriminated here: Christians or homosexuals ? Could these men have gone to another hotel ? Would it have been a real inconvenience ? Did the homosexual community deliberately turn this one (and rare) situation and blow it out of all proportion ? Who were the discriminators here ?

Nature or nurture ? An interesting question. The answer is obvious to me. Both environment and genetics determine the character of a human being. Clearly, the environment affects the way human beings adapt and evolve as human beings. It therefore follows that our role models have an important influence in the way that current and future generations evolve. Since men and women began walking the earth, it has been accepted thinking that the natural relationships between people is between men and women. It therefore follows that this correct interpretation needs to be reinforced from generation to generation. This does not mean that those minorities who fall outside the heteresexual majority should be discriminated against. However, the way that homosexuality is presented in the media and everyday life should be kept to a minimum if not totally excluded; in other words, unseen and unheard. This does not mean exclusion of the individual but minimising media exposure. Traditional values should be reinforced. Homophobia is wrong and Christians are not homophobic. We oppose discrimination and ill-treatment of homosexuals. This needs to be understood. We just take the view that loving relationships between men and women should be promoted as the correct path.

Anti-Catholic bigots attack the Church for being responsible for the spread of aids in Africa. Extraordinary but true. The ridiculous reason for this is because of the Catholic Church's view on contraception and not allowing it. The truth is of course, that the Catholic Church promotes monogamous relationships and sexual intercourse between men and women for one purpose - the creation of human life. In other words, the Catholic Church opposes promiscuity. Therefore, following Catholic teaching, the spread of aids would, in fact, have not ocurred but would have reduced. But these anti-religious fundamentalists conveniently do not bring this point into the argument. Furthermore, the group most responsible for the spread of aids in North America was the gay community but this politically incorrect fact is conveniently removed from this debate. Yes, aids is a terrible disease and Christians sympathise with all those who have either died of the disease or who have it but don't blame Catholicism for it.

A further question should be asked: What is wrong with Christian values ? Values that include loyal and loving relationships, family values, compassion for the poor and disadvantaged, a desire for co-operation and peace, a belief that human life is sacred etc. These should be promoted (and sadly defended) in an increasingly secular and atheistic country. The Catholic Church also does an enormous amount of charity work both locally and globally but again the anti-Catholic fundamentalists do not mention this.

A valid criticism of the Catholic Church has been the child abuse scandals. Nevertheless, the current Pope has acknowledge the problem and has condemned it in the strongest terms. It must be noted, though, that many of these abuse cases are historical and the number of Catholic clergy involved in these horrible acts are few in number as a proportion of all Catholic priests. To emphasise this point, there are presently over 400,000 Catholic priests, of these, there are maybe a few hundred (if a hundred) responsible and considerably less than 1000 in number. This means less than 0.25 % of priests are abusers - not even 1 in 400 ! This puts the crisis in proper context. Moreover, these evil men have been or are being removed from the Church.

Religion is under threat in our country and all religious groups should make a point of defending and promoting our rights against non-religious fundamentalists. The extraordinary situation is that Christians are now portrayed as being intolerant, bigoted and uncaring when of course the opposite is true.

It is time for Catholics to promote good Catholic values against the tide of unjustified criticism. Lapsed Catholics should return to the Church and spread the good teachings and morals of our great religion. The best way to bring up our children is by instilling good Catholic values into them.

Yes, I may sound like one of those crazy bible-bashing right wing Christians but I am nothing of the kind. I don't claim sainthood nor am I a perfect Catholic. Catholics, like most people, are sinners and I am a sinner (albeit relatively minor sins) but I have certain beliefs and morals that I try to comply with and promote. In my view, the laws, morals and guidelines of the Catholic Church are good ones.

Selected Comments of Mine on Facebook

`Clarification: I do not believe in the Christianity of the Bible Belt in the USA who take every word of the Bible literally. In my view, they misinterpret the Bible; not every word is meant to be taken literally. There are parables therein and other more intelligent interpretations of the Holy Book. Follow the Vatican on this.
If Catholics, like myself, who believe in core Catholic values are fundamentalist, then I am a Catholic fundamentalist. Liberalism dilutes and eventually destroys. For the same reason, I respect Islamic fundamentalists, after all, they are only defending and promoting their vision of the world. Liberals have had too much influence on the 20th Century, leading to a moral decay.
Don't get me wrong, none of us are perfect and we are all sinners (and the Catholic Church understands this) but the message is a good one and when we stray, instead of being critical of the rules that we break, we accept that we have sinned but will still defend the values and message of the Church. I hope liberals within the Catholic church abandon their liberal views and convert back to the real Catholic faith.'

`A very strange comment, Paul !

I am not out of touch with the 21st Century. Look around the world. Religious fundamentalism is on the rise because millions of people are tired with the liberalism of the 20th Century. Liberalism has its attractions which is why it is dangerous. That is why we need to persuade people to return to the fold and lead a more moral life.'

`It is time that we express our vision of the way Great Britain should be without compromise due to over-bearing political correctness and excessive liberalism.'

Nobody denies the fact that the child abuse scandal was a disgrace but the Pope has condemned it in the strongest words. Moreover, we are talking about a tiny percentage of priests.

The Church does not need to modernise. Pope John Paul 2 & Pope Benedict were / are both conservative Catholics and Pope John Paul 2 was one of the most popular popes in history. Watered-down religion does not attract followers.

I support the Catholic Church's views on contraception. Is sex the most important thing between men and women. Moreover, pro-creation on a big scale is a good thing as far I am concerned, the more children the better.'

`You don't know how the world was created and neither do the scientists. Science has not proven anything in this respect - fact - and science is supposed to be based on evidence. They have made assumptions.'

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