Monday, 31 December 2012

2013 Diet Diary Note

Only lost 2 pounds in 2012. 2013 will be different; expect a big weight loss.

Weight 31/12/12 = 21st 11lbs.

Target Weight Loss =
End of January = 19st 11lbs
End of February = 17st 11lbs
End of March = 16st 7lbs
End of April = 15st 7lbs
End of May = 14st 7lbs
End of June = 13st 12lbs
End of July = 13st 8lbs
End of August = 13st 4lbs
End of September = 13st
End of October = 12st 10lbs
End of November = 12st 7lbs
End of 2013 = 12st 7lbs.

2013 Diet - Actual Weight Loss

3rd Jan = lost 9 lbs already.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Farsi : Building Terms

Account = hesab
Additional = ezafe
Adjust to = ta'dil kardan
Adjustment = ta'dil
Architect = me'mar
Architecture = me'mari
Bath = van
Bathroom = hammam
Bedroom = otaqe xab
Breadth = pahna
Brick = ajor
Brick-layer = banna
Bridge = pol
Bucket = satl
Budget = buje
Build = bana kardan, saxtan
Building = emarat
Buy to = xaridan
Calculate to = hesab kardan
Calculation = hesab
Carpenter = najjar
Carpentry = najjari
Carpet = farsh
Carpet to = farsh kardan
Ceiling = saqf
Certificate = tasdiqname
Chair = sandali
Chimney = dudkash
Circle = da'ere
Claim = talab
Clay = tin
Complaint = shekayat
Complete = tamam
Completion = etmam
Concrete = siman
Connect to = mottasel kardan
Corridor = dalan
Cost = qeimat, xarj to cost, arzidan
Craft = pishe
Craftsman = pishevar
Damage = xesarat
Damp = tar
Dangerous = xatarnak
Decorate to = arastan
Defect = eib
Defective = ma'yub
Demolish to = monhadem kardan
Demolition = enhedam
Depth = goudi
Description = ta'rif
Dig to = kandan
Dimension = andaze
Document = sanad
Door = dar
Durability = davam, durable badavam
Edge = labe
Electricity = barq
Employer = karfarma
Engineer = mohandes
Entrance = vorud
Erect = rast
Estimate = baravard
Excavate to = hafr kardan
Excavation = hafriat
Exit = xoruj
Expenditure = xarj
Factory = karxane
Floor = tabaqe, zamine
Garden = hayat
Grass = alaf
Kitchen = ashpazxane
Plaster to = gac malidan
Plasterer = gackar
Plumb-line = rismane kar
Ply = la, 3-ply = se la
Profit = sud
Programme / Plan = barname
Prolongation = tamdid
Quality = khassiyat
Quote to = naql kardan
Quantity = qadr
Roof = bam
Sand = rig
Soil = xak
Stair = pelle
Stairs = pellekan
Steel = fulad
Table = miz
Toilet = tualet
Wall = divar
Washbasin = dastshuyi
Water-pipe = lule
Welder = rixtegar
Welding = rixtegari
Window = panjare
Window-pane = shishe
Wood = cub
Worker = kargar

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Best Television in 2012

London 2012 Olympics
The Killing 111
Secret State
Mariella's Book Show
Dragon's Den
Grand Designs
Young Apprentice
The Review Programme
Idiot Abroad 3
The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler
Grand Designs

2012 Diet Diary Note

At one stage (i.e. April 2012), I'd lost 3.5 Stone. Unfortunately, my gluttonous nature got the better of me and I'm likely to end the year 1 stone lighter. At least, I won't have put weight on. Still, 1 stone weight loss for many would be a success. By my normal standards, it has been a "failed" diet. Mind you, I'm on a downward curve; 1 stone a year for the next few years would lead to a big weight loss.
Saying that, I intend to lose a considerable amount of weight next year but not stop in April ! I expect at least a further reduction of 3.5 stone by April 2013.