Monday, 16 April 2012

England: Defender of Faith

There are those who believe that to be British you must be a follower of the Church of England and a Protestant. This is of course not the case. Catholicism is the original religion of our nation and if you take a traditional view (and most patriotic people do !) then you can only claim to be British if you are a Catholic:

`England adhered to the Catholic Church for almost a thousand years from the time of Augustine of Canterbury but, in 1534, during the reign of King Henry VIII, the greater part of the church, through a series of repressive legislative acts between 1533 and 1536[1][2] aligned itself to Henry's new official ecclesial entity, the Church of England, with Henry declaring himself Supreme Head'

I don't need to remind people that the originator of the Protestant faith was Martin Luther, a German. Not very British.

We are entering a new era in Britain which embraces different religions to reflect our multi-cultural society. But don't let it be said that to be British you must belong to the Church of England and be a Protestant. Traditionally, Catholics have as strong a claim and possibly a greater claim that the Catholic religion is  the original, true and natural faith of the British. As far as christianity is concerned, Catholics deserve equal status to Protestants in Britain. The important point, however, is that we promote and defend religious belief and tolerance in a modern Britain with the different faiths being fairly represented.

Prince Charles will make a great King if he is allowed to be.

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